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Title Hits
Ramadhan Daytime Itakaaf - 2011 Hits: 3491
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1432 AH Hits: 2870
Shab-e-Miraj 1432 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 2838
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2011) Hits: 5851
Muharram Lectures 1432 AH Hits: 3836
EDL Protest Hits: 5750
Quran Burning Protest Hits: 4324
Eid-ul-Fitr Moonwatch 1431 / 2010 Hits: 5501
Ramadhan Moonwatch 1431 / 2010 Hits: 6405
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1431 AH Hits: 4360
Shab-e-Miraj 1431 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 5647
Fabricated propaganda against Leicester Central Mosque Hits: 17901
Milad Madrassa Workshop (2010) Hits: 4134
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2010) Hits: 5794
Muharram Lectures 1431 AH Hits: 9009
Eid-ul-Fitr Moonwatch 1430 / 2009 Hits: 7273
Aqidah Course Hits: 6550
Fundraising Events Hits: 4654
Ramadhan Moonwatch 1430 / 2009 Hits: 7159
Fasting Questions ? Hits: 4657
Shab-e-Miraj 1430 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 4002
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2009) Hits: 6272
Muharram Lectures 1430AH Hits: 6485
Eid-ul-Adha 1429AH Hits: 4964
Eid-ul-Fitr Moonwatch 2008 Hits: 10166
Ramadhan Statement Hits: 6996
30 Days - 30 Hadith Hits: 30613
Ramadhan Daytime Boys Itakaaf - 2008 Hits: 4283
Ramadhan Moonwatch 1429 / 2008 Hits: 10516
Salaah and Fasting Timetable for Ramadhan (1429 / 2008) Hits: 7167
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 4399
Shab-e-Miraj Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 5053
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2008) Hits: 4766
Free Legal Consultation Service Hits: 5151
The Nur of the Prophet Hits: 4570
Milad Madrassa Workshop Hits: 4653
Home Secretary Visits Mosque Hits: 4620
MINAB consultation event Hits: 5392
Petition for prayer room in the Shires Shopping Centre Hits: 6759
31 Days of Zul-Hijjah !! Hits: 7462
Muharram Lectures 1429AH Hits: 4023
Head Imam honoured in New Year list Hits: 7213
Beyond Belief ! Hits: 3868
Pictures from the Badminton Tournament (2007) Hits: 5074
Hajj FAQs Hits: 7669
Badminton Doubles Tournament Hits: 4296
Eid-ul-Fitr Moonwatch 2007 Hits: 4421
Ramadhan Overnight Itakaaf - 2007 Hits: 3348
Ramadhan Moonwatch 2007 Hits: 4356
Salaah and fasting timetable for Ramadhan (1428 / 2007) Hits: 11493

Keep in Touch

Hijri Date

Tuesday Muharram 10 1446
Tuesday 16 July 2024

Prayer Times

Begins Jamaat
Fajar 2.42 4.30
Sunrise 4.57
Zuhr 1.13 1.30
Asr 6.45 7.30
Magrib 9.23 9.23
Isha 10.26 10.50


Second Juma Salaah being offered during the summer months at the Leicester Mosque (Sutherland St):

5th April to 27th Sept - 4:20PM

4th Oct - 4:15PM

11th Oct - 4:00PM

18th Oct - 3:45PM

25th Oct - 3:30PM


ICWA (Ladies) Events:

Please see click here to see the website event calendar for all ICWA (Ladies) events and programmes


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Mosque Donations

Lillah - Mosque Donation


Charity Donations

Zakaat, Sadaqa or Fitra Donation