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31 Days of Zul-Hijjah !!

How can an Islamic month have 31 days ?

31 Days of Zul-Hijjah !

New moon was born at 11:37 (GMT) on Tuesday 8th January 2008. 

Tuesday 8 January, 2008
LocationSunsetMoon Age (Hrs)Remarks
Melbourne, Australia19:44-1 Hrs 52 MinImpossible; Moon Not Born
Karachi, Pakistan17:581 Hrs 22 MinImpossible; Moon set before Sun
Makkah, Saudi Arabia17:543 Hrs 18 MinImpossible; Moon set before Sun
London, England UK16:104 Hrs 34 MinImpossible; Moon Too Young
New York City,  USA16:4410 Hrs 8 MinImpossible; Moon Too Young
(RED: Impossible - BLUE: Need Optical Aid)

 The 8th January marked the completion of 30 days of Zul-Hijjah for Saudi Arabia (and followers) but where was the moon ?

Saudi Arabia had no choice but to make Zul-Hijjah a month of 31 days and begin the new Islamic year on Thursday 10th January.

Saudi News Agency Report:

So how can you have an Islamic month of 31 days ??? 

This decision forced millions of pilgrims to perform their Hajj on the wrong day (18TH) and resulted in many Muslims celebrating their Eid-al-Adha on the wrong day (19TH).

The sad thing is that the followers of Saudi Arabia will still follow blindly without question !!

Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) made it very clear; Start the Islamic month when the Moon is SEEN. If Saudi Arabia had followed this very simple hadith then the Islamic world would not be facing this problem.

May Allah open the eyes of Saudi Arabia and all those who follow without question so they may follow the sunnah of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) - AMEEN,

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Hijri Date

Tuesday Muharram 10 1446
Tuesday 16 July 2024

Prayer Times

Begins Jamaat
Fajar 2.42 4.30
Sunrise 4.57
Zuhr 1.13 1.30
Asr 6.45 7.30
Magrib 9.23 9.23
Isha 10.26 10.50


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