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Title Hits
Muharram Lectures 1446 AH Hits: 660
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2023 / 1445) Hits: 1328
Muharram Lectures 1445 AH Hits: 1450
Passing of the Islamic Centre Head Imam Hits: 2483
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2022 / 1444) Hits: 1627
Muharram Lectures 1444 AH Hits: 1523
Passing of the Islamic Centre Chairman Hits: 2032
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2021 / 1443) Hits: 1897
Muharram Lectures 1443 AH Hits: 1519
Coronavirus Update (Closure) Hits: 1558
Funerals during the Coronavirus Pandemic Hits: 2281
Shab-e-Miraj 1441 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 1899
Coronavirus Update Hits: 2803
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2019 / 1441) Hits: 1866
Muharram Lectures 1441 AH Hits: 3062
Shab-e-Miraj 1440 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 2829
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2018 / 1440) Hits: 3366
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1439 AH Hits: 3666
Shab-e-Miraj 1439 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 2965
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2017 / 1439) Hits: 3477
Muharram Lectures 1439 AH Hits: 2630
Solidarity with victims of the Manchester attack Hits: 1997
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1438 AH Hits: 2587
Shab-e-Miraj 1438 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 2734
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2016 / 1438) Hits: 3094
Muharram Lectures 1438 AH Hits: 4002
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1437 AH Hits: 2911
Shab-e-Miraj 1437 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 3168
Press Release on the Paris Attack Hits: 2762
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2015 / 1437) Hits: 3149
Muharram Lectures 1437 AH Hits: 2898
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1436 AH Hits: 3236
Shab-e-Miraj 1436 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 3614
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2015) Hits: 4066
Muharram Lectures 1436 AH Hits: 4112
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2014) Hits: 6200
GPU Lifetime Achievement Award Hits: 3388
Muharram Lectures 1435 AH Hits: 4388
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1434 AH Hits: 3991
Shab-e-Miraj 1434 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 4467
Eid Milad-un-Nabi Celebrations (2013) Hits: 9152
Dars-e-Quran Hits: 5592
Muharram Lectures 1434 AH Hits: 6869
Protest Against "anti-Islam Film" Hits: 9329
Shab-e-Baraat Jalsa (Gathering) - 1433 AH Hits: 4054
Shab-e-Miraj 1433 AH Jalsa (Gathering) Hits: 4733
Serious Volunteers wanted for Gardening Hits: 7951
Inter-faith audience with the queen Hits: 9399
Muharram Lectures 1433 AH Hits: 5190
10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks Hits: 4535

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Hijri Date

Tuesday Rajab 20 1446
Wednesday 22 January 2025

Prayer Times

Begins Jamaat
Fajar 6:23 7.15
Sunrise 7:59
Zuhr 12:19 1.15
Asr 2:45 3.30
Magrib 4:33 4:33
Isha 6:09 7.30


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