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Fabricated propaganda against Leicester Central Mosque

The Leicester Central Mosque (Islamic Centre - Leicester) has become the target for false propaganda by certain groups and individuals on Islamic forums on the internet. The Head Imam of the Islamic Centre, Maulana Shahid Raza has released a statement on the fabricated propaganda.


Dear Brothers and Sisters beware of fabricated propaganda against Leicester Central Mosque

"I have been informed by reliable sources that a fictitious story is being spread about Leicester Central Mosque through websites.

The story alleges that in our Mosque on Fridays at the time of offering Salat (Darood) and Salaam we bring a 'holy chair' which is surrounded by our Musalis and that we believe that our Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) comes and sits on that chair. Once his arrival is announced many of us become extremely emotional, behave like fanatics and that some of us even start beating our chests.

As Head Imam of the Leicester Central Mosque I formally deny this malicious allegation and wish to state that such a practise has never ever occurred in our Mosque. I wish to categorically state that to the best of my knowledge such things have never happened in any of our Mosques in the U.K. We certainly believe that our Beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) is blessed by Allah Almighty with many special spiritual abilities and if he wishes to witness a religious congregation then he, with the permission of Allah Almighty, is able to do so. However, we do not believe that he certainly visits Leicester Central Mosque, or any other Mosque, on Fridays at a predetermined time and that his arrival is witnessed by us."

M. Shahid Raza.

Head Imam.

Keep in Touch

Hijri Date

Tuesday Muharram 10 1446
Tuesday 16 July 2024

Prayer Times

Begins Jamaat
Fajar 2.42 4.30
Sunrise 4.57
Zuhr 1.13 1.30
Asr 6.45 7.30
Magrib 9.23 9.23
Isha 10.26 10.50


Second Juma Salaah being offered during the summer months at the Leicester Mosque (Sutherland St):

5th April to 27th Sept - 4:20PM

4th Oct - 4:15PM

11th Oct - 4:00PM

18th Oct - 3:45PM

25th Oct - 3:30PM


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